Automatic Circle Welder with Remote Increases Production

The CWE-5 with Remote Control has a digital readout for rotation speed. It also has controls for: wire feed speed, cold inch/purge, pre-flow and post-flow, burn back and wire feeder forward and reverse. Overlap is also adjustable. This control has both manual and automatic settings. In the manual setting, you can check all your controls and travel speed to make sure the machine is functioning properly. In the automatic setting, with one push of a button, the unit will start the weld process, weld completely around the workpiece, overlap the end of the weld, turn the weld off and return to the start position. It is ready for the next weld. The CWE-5 is supplied with the following cables: 50″ (15.2 m) of gas hose, 50″ (15.2 m) hot lead, 50″ (15.2 m) control cable and all cables from the remote box to the circle welder.



  • GMAW, FCAW process capabilities
  • 1-12″ (25-300 mm) welding diameter
  • .035-1/16″ (.8-1.6 mm) welding wire size
  • Rotation speed .5-6.0 rpm
  • Rise and fall cam 0-5″ (0-125 mm)
  • 300 amps 100% duty cycle
  • Burn back control, horizontal and vertical adjustment gun & cable
  • Made in USA


  • Mechanical Oscillator / Torch Weaver (CWO-1645) Provides a pendulum-type motion to the gun for weave welding. The speed and stroke of oscillation are adjustable.
  • Stand Alone Weaver (KBUG-5050) The compact oscillator provides a pendulum weaving motion to the gun. Speed, width and dwells are independently adjustable.
  • Torch Angle Adjuster (CWO-3023-1) Allows the operator to adjust the angle of the gun precisely, without unclamping the holding device.
  • Cone Adaptor (CWO-5790) A tapered centering devise used to center the machine on nozzles. The range of the Cone Adaptor is 1-1/4″ to 4″ (32-102 mm) diameter.
  • Step Adaptor for Threaded Outlets (CWO-3670) A stepped centering device used to center the machine on threaded I.D. weld-o-lets. The range of the Step Adaptor is 1/2″ to 4″ (13-102 mm) diameter.
  • Groove Adaptor (CWO-3675) For groove outlets of the following sizes: 1-1/4″, 1-1/2″, 2″, 2-1/2″, 3, 4
  • Hillside Kit (CWO-3894) Provides a single rise and fall motion per revolution of the machine to provide the motion required to follow the contour of an offset pipe-to-pipe weld.

Call factory for pricing.

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